
upcoming EVENTS & courses

aries venus masterclass for the cosmic intelligence agency

Over the course of two days, andrea michelle, Gary P. Caton, Gemini Brett and Julija Simas will be teaching for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency on the upcoming Aries Venus Cycle that begins March 22, 2025.

Different facets of the Venus cycle will be considered, with each presenter bringing their unique lens to explore the dynamic riches of this upcoming Venus cycle.

From andrea michelle on her presentation:

Andrea Michelle will share the unfolding story of our collective feminine via the upcoming Aries Venus Cycle, including the contributions of Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas Athena and Eris (which she terms the Archaic Feminine) to this unfolding. She will demonstrate how Pallas Athena is the primary daimon from this ‘collective’ for this next Venus cycle, and what this means for us.

This Aries Venus cycle is an invitation to resource and re-root ourselves in the Intelligence and sentience of Earth as the inspiration for building creative, adaptable and vibrant human cultures. As Carl Jung wrote, “When something long since passed away comes back again in a changed world, it is new. To give birth to the ancient in a new time is creation…The task is to give birth to the old in a new time.” This is the gift and invocation of the Archaic (or chthonic) Feminine – to draw us back into the primal, the irreducible, the most intelligent and deceptively simple forces of Earth as the root system of Belonging from which our human creativity can organically and joyfully flourish for our personal benefit and as a blessing for generations to come.

playing as I AM: recovering our wild soul

Almost full – please contact andrea michelle if interested in learning more.

Journey with andrea michelle and a small group in an experiential learning lab over the first half of the Aries Venus cycle in a supportive environment of curiosity and play.

1x/month for 10 months

  • cultivate your capacity to make connections and create opportunities from a place of broader vision/perspective

  • finetune your somatic intelligence to remain connected to your wisdom while engaging with others
  • for those interested in exploring via astrology and experiential learning in a playful, safe, loving and confidential container
  • intimate community of no more than 12 individuals
  • fee includes (1) 90 min. group and (1) 50 min personal session each month
fee: $93/mo.

to inquire about the curriculum, email

awakening archaic wisdom retreat

In person retreat at Buffalo Spirit Ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Experiential Astrology to awaken the fullness of bridging instinct, intuition and intellect through teachings and direct experience with horses. 

We will meet 3x online (twice before and once after the in-person retreat). 

More info coming soon!

fee: $TBA

email to be notified as more info becomes available

planetary journeys

andrea michelle holds small groups of no more than 5 per group to holistically embrace a unique planetary archetype. Each Journey is 10 sessions and starts at different times over the course of the year. 

Testimony from a current Journeyer:

Andrea is an adept at holding space for transformation. Through her personal practice lens of self-honesty, self-compassion, right timing and humility we receive her transmission and make it our own… .  

We are an intimate group of 5 women in discovery mode with Andrea at the helm, illuminating our way through her deep presence, wisdom intelligence and open heart, while she too participates along side us in her/our ongoing becoming. We are “alone, together” as Andrea so beautifully describes it, in service to collective evolution through the personal. ~ Eliza B.

email to inquire


the power of 3: thrice great decans

You’ve heard of the established Chaldean and Triplicity systems of the decans (the three 10 degree sections of a tropical sign), and now there is a third!

In this half day workshop, Andrea will introduce a fresh new orientation that doesn’t compete with the latter systems, but enhances them.

The workshop will begin with a brief introduction of the Chaldean and Triplicity systems before diving into the third. After a 30-minute break, our remaining time will include live chart delineations for those wanting to see this approach come alive in their own chart!

Fee: $54

The role of the Agentic Feminine in Awakening The Full Human

The feminine asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter can mature our personal desires + impulses to serve our wiring as social beings who yearn to create vibrant, thriving communities. In this way they are very closely related with our purpose: they amplify, clarify and strengthen access to our unique gifts, which bring us immense joy and meaning and are not for ourselves alone.

Join us to learn what the feminine asteroids + dwarf planets
Ceres, Juno, Vesta & Pallas Athena (with special guest, Eris) have to teach us!

The location is astrologer Ursula Stockder’s beautiful private home in the heart of Mexico City. The fee includes a 1.5 hour break for a sumptuous lunch + two coffee breaks (a.m. + p.m.)

fee: US$120 or MX$2,200

To register contact Claudia Ochoa at

sky astrology conference 3

The original Sky Astrology Conference in 2015 focused on and was under a Venus-Mars conjunction, so we decided on a SAC Refrain for 2024. Tybee Island, Georgia will give us an opportunity to view the morning conjunction in the dark skies over the Atlantic Ocean! We’ll have sky viewing sessions in the evening as well.

Classroom teachings will cover all the various components: Andrea Michelle Haeckel on the Venus heliacal cycle, Adam Gainsburg on the Mars heliacal cycle, Gary P Caton on the Venus-Mars synodic cycle and Julene Louis on the relevant stars and nakshatras. You can read teacher bios and more on the teachings here.

These conferences are more intimate that the larger ones and space is limited!

the discovery series: goddess discovery chart webinars

Enjoy a fresh, timely and relevant perspective on the four main asteroid goddesses (Ceres, Pallas Athena, Juno & Vesta) through exploration of their discovery charts. Without the input of the discovery charts we could get endlessly lost in all the iterations of each myth, which may be interesting for our minds but offers nothing for our embodiment.

Knowledge of the myths is not necessary, though some familiarity is helpful.

the aries ingress chart: crossing the divide

Ingress is the term for when a planet enters a new sign, in this case the Sun entering Aries. This ingress heralds the first season of Spring in the Northern and Fall in the Southern hemispheres, respectively.

Cardinal Ingress charts provide glimpses into the season’s main themes. This Aries ingress has Ceres opposite the Sun at 0 Libra, Pluto at 29 Capricorn, Mercury near cazimi,  Venus with the North Node and Juno, about to cross the ecliptic from S to N latitude, and a still rogue, out-of-bounds Mars near the bright star, Betelgeuse. 

Come join Andrea Michelle for this FREE webinar on March 19, when she will share her thoughts on what’s being initiated in and through us in language accessible to non-astrologers as well as those well-versed in astrology!

register by emailing us at

pluto & the lunar nodes

A 12-week course on the Soul’s Desire & the Evolution of Identity framed through natal Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. (based on the work of Adam Gainsburg from The Soul’s Desire & the Evolution of Identity)


unleashing the Ch(e)art's desire

Level Up Your Delineation Skills with the FUNDAMENTALS & FINE-TUNING Courses!

These courses are for those with some astrology knowledge who are interested in fine-tuning their practice.

Forming relationship with the immediacy of a planet’s visibility, speed, latitude, motion, sky appearance and Earth proximity tunes us to the greater cosmic orchestra and connects us with the ancient skywatching traditions. Incorporating some or all of these Cosmic Components in concert with the natal chart will impart greater nuance and breadth to your delineations.

mars retrograde in gemini webinar with the C*I*A

Please email us to inquire about the recording.

The astrology of 2022 is fast and, in many ways, furious. Mars’ retrograde through Gemini is no exception, and there are indications this period will act as an accelerated time capsule to – paradoxically – reframe our whole concept of Time. 

The period of October 29, 2022 to January 11, 2023 will either precipitate further separation and isolation initiated by government and special interest groups, or be a call to courageously self-initiate alongside others to become a new hologram of Humans Being, Together. The asteroid goddesses play a major role in this unfolding timeline, acting as mediators and bridges of intra-psychic functions, thereby midwifing reconnection of inner/outer, self/other.


Eris and Chiron are seemingly irreconcilable archetypes: one the Warrior Goddess of Discord, the other a gentle mentor and emblem of our Sacred Wound. 

This workshop will explore each archetype in their unconscious and conscious expressions as well as how even the most discordant energies are reconcilable as we bridge the schism between head & heart.


According to some astrologers, Venus represents the Feminine principle within us – women AND men equally. We’ll encounter many shades of the Feminine in this circle; how it manifests in our individual life and collective reality. We will discuss, learn, evoke and create, discovering through our minds and hearts where human evolution is headed through the Feminine lens of Gemini Consciousness over the next 19 months.

We meet every 4 weeks online.

please contact us for more information


When Venus and Mars come together on July 13th, we have an opportunity to soften the boundaries between Love and Strife in our deep hearts. In this collaborative journey, Andrea Michelle and Womb Shaman, Katherine Zorensky invite us to loosen the framework of our inner narratives and establish ourselves in our own ground of Power in order to live the union of “heaven and earth.”

All calls will be recorded for those who cannot attend live. These group activations are a potent and safe support to your individual journey in conscious embodiment at a very auspicious time. 


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