

Private sessions invite you into a relationship with fuller access to who you intrinsically are, especially your greater gifts & resources, passions & purpose which are as yet untapped (or unmapped)! Andrea uses the symbolic language of the cosmos (Astrology) to illuminate your Soul & Self-Identity blueprint, or what she calls your Soul Circuitry, in service to you inhabiting more of you here, now. 

Clients work with Andrea Michelle to understand their deeper drives and motivations; where they are stuck and potential reasons why, and especially how to orient within the natural and necessary “I’m-no-longer-where-I-was-but-am-not-yet somewhere else” phases of life. The coherent field Andrea holds creates a gentle invitation into these deeper unconscious caverns, rich with your latent treasures.

Listen to Andrea Michelle share more about how she defines Soul + Self Identity, as well as what she offers in her sessions and Devotional Journeys:

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explores how your natal blueprint is a map to the fulfillment, purpose, and ensoulment of your deepest human potential.

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Solar Return

is a tool to explore themes and best areas of focus from one birthday to the next.

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Progressions & Transits

is useful to get a sense of upcoming shifts, changes, opportunities, and openings to meet them in a conscious way.

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go granular

is for those wanting to go deep into a specific natal chart signature(s).

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Relationship Reading

is for any pairing desiring to understand the potential pitfalls and also the evolutionary purpose of the relationship.

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session package

is an option for those wanting to create an intentional container of 3 or more sessions to evoke and inhabit a unique natal or progressed signature, or an upcoming transit.

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is an option for those wanting to deepen with an intentional container of 5 or more sessions to evoke and inhabit a specific planet/asteroid/KBO by meeting it in a conscious way.

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You are helping midwife my process in a way that I never knew existed or could have imagined could fit so well with my own way of understanding and experiencing. I'm delighted to be connected with you.

Thank you so much for your knowledge and basic human goodness. I have been studying astrology for 40 years and have had readings with many, and I am so excited to find/know you.

Just listened to the recording. What great deep rich wisdom pours from you. I heard it even deeper this time from a different perspective, literally. I really appreciate you!

Unlike any reading I have had, which were generally pretty specific about career, relationship, and all the session hit on a deeper more fundamental level, where those topics became less relevant. It was so comforting and validating to know that the risk of committing to a path unknown and unseen but truthfully felt is indeed the right course of action to take during these big transits...

I just wanted to say again how much I appreciate our time yesterday. It is probably the best reading I have had from any astrologer. Your willingness to delve into the depths and weave all the energetic patterns together in a directed, conscious way was remarkable. All the best to you and to the flourishing of your work.

You have the ability to combine your deep, profound knowledge about astrology (facts) with your gentle, open heart (compassion). The way you communicate is very powerful, clear, considered and smart. A killer combination.

You so beautifully spoke to this unraveling in the reading…you truly brought parts of me back together just now…you helped me synthesise all of what is happening for me at the moment… I so value the help you have provided…I want to say thank you a million times...I feel so blown away.

Thank you so much for the deep reading; I felt very seen, esp. in some very deep aspects. And what you shared with me confirmed inner knowings, even though at first I had some resistance, because a part in me felt confirmed in believing how hopelessly broken I am...So with every time I am listening to it, it sinks a little bit more into my heart and feels more and more beautiful. Thank you!!!

Wow! I’m so inspired and deeply moved! I must have said wow for the first 15 mins post reading! Thank you for being a clear messenger and seeing me. Giving me a clear vision of the work I came here to do.

Andrea Michelle is the most amazing astrologer I have had the honor of working/playing with. I am always grounded by her ability to remind me of my individual, and unique humanness.

This is definitely not an astrology reading -- for me it's a healing session. How you weave the whole thing is very precious, Andrea. You have a wonderful dropped me into my heart space.

I’m incredibly moved by your gift and so glad to have met you. I keep recalling how it felt like you were channeling my true self as much as reading my chart…I’ve never had such an experience. I’m incredibly grateful to have found you, for your deep presence and profound intuition and knowledge, and for the resources and connections you’re providing me. I’ve been needing all of this so powerfully but haven’t known where to turn.

andrea, i can't even tell you how much our session has stayed with me. truly, you gave me a compass for some of the most intense intense and transitory times... you gave me a Huge Huge Gift. i can't even tell you. <3

Thank you Andrea Michelle for the unique and special tone you bring into astrology!

You combine deep knowledge with such warmth, intuition, compassion and intelligence in your teaching and counselling as an astrologer, I always find it comforting to listen to you....

Last nights class was mind blowing, so much deep alignment both personal and transpersonal. I joined this circle after a reading with _____ when he said he really wanted me to find a learning space that could meet my natural gifts and capacity...I've gotten so much more than I bargained for.

There was something about the space you created, to allow in - ideas, voices, different aspects of the feminine - that was truly 'different.' There was an invitational spaciousness that is not easy to hold but you are willing to go there and to offer it.

I just want to acknowledge this Deep Grace presence from you that grounds and holds Venus circle with Love & Precision on So many Levels!!

What a beautiful group of people gathered and your leadership/container holder presence is such a gift.

Thank you for all that you share. Your presence and voice is so calming and heartfelt. You embody a Divine Loving presence. Just wanted you to know that.

I am so truly grateful for this space you have so generously offered and created. It is an absolute blessing to be in such a safe, gentle, powerful and loving space to share the nuances of the varied experiences during this intensely evocative time.

You are such a lovely, gentle soul. You have a gift for holding a sacred safe space, and that's the essence of the feminine energy.


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