

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: $639.00.Current price is: $462.00.

A Personalized Pod Journey is an option for those wanting to deepen with an intentional container of 10 sessions in a small group setting to evoke and inhabit a specific planet/asteroid/KBO. 

Pricing: pods of up to 5 people at a time for a series of 10 sessions at $639 per person for 2 hours each session. Please inquire for more information.

Email to schedule a Zoom call to discuss options. 

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These Journeys are designed for an intimate group setting to support your understanding of and develop a relationship with the purest drives and broadest potentials of the specific natal planet, asteroid, or KBO (Kuiper Belt Object) of your group’s choosing. It is recommended to work with a planet/asteroid whose significations are less familiar though at least somewhat prominent, as this is where self-mastery may be best honed and actualized. If you don’t know which one to choose, we can look at your natal charts together to see where to begin. There will be room for non-linear, spontaneous exploration as well – whatever best supports the organic process of deepening a relationship with(in) yourSelf.



“She abides, seated in the vajrāsana within a blaze of wisdom light,
As the very embodiment of all buddhas and bodhisattvas.”
Excerpt from a Tibetan Buddhist deity sadhana (practice)



Why focus on one planet/asteroid?

Many ancient lineages and traditions have understood the wisdom of ‘apprenticing’ to a specific deity/deva for a solid period of time to develop a deep and full relationship with it (which is really an aspect of our own Mind or wisdom body). In Tibetan Buddhism this is called a yidam practice; within the South American shamanic traditions, it is known as a dieta. Due to the holographic nature of reality, fully devoting our (loving) attention to a singular aspect, lens, or frequency by definition opens us into a relationship with our wholeness!

In these small groups, we will be not only deepening our cognitive understanding of these psychic structures, we will build our capacity to include our heart-body’s experience of the celestial body we are working with; the latter approach welcomes the feminine, non-linear dimension of ‘not knowing’, which is the alchemical medium in which we metabolize any contortions preventing fuller embodiment of the wisdom and gifts held dormant within these psychic aspects. 


What is included in this session package (below is a general template; this is customized according to each individual’s desire and what is alive at the start of each session):
  1. a personalized video of the movement of this planet/asteroid throughout its entire Sun cycle (with the backdrop of the living sky) to contextualize your birth moment and offer a fascinating visual experience of *your* unique place within the unfolding of this larger evolutionary process;
  2. a blending of the natal chart significations with its heliacal phase (position within its Sun cycle) to finetune an understanding of its larger purpose*;
  3. a look at where its support systems are – including its polarity position – to assist in its return to a balanced, holistic expression;
  4. a look at your natal Venus Phase or Mars Phase to see how this planet/asteroid is in service to the greater fulfillment of your unique Feminine/Masculine Dharma (purpose)
  5. “playtime,” where you get to put this planet on center stage and feel its qualities and longings, needs, wants, and desires and discover where it even ‘lives’ within your body;
  6. co-created gentle guidelines or prompts to foster your unique living expression of this planet/asteroid in your life!

*Understanding which planets in your chart are more inherently oriented for
initiating, discovering, building, and discriminating and which ones are about responding, manifesting, partnering, and delegating distinguishes our deeper drives and can elicit a profound inner recalibration, igniting a fresh sense of purpose.


I am filled with deep gratitude for the Devotional Journey with Ceres guided by Andrea Michelle. This experience is far more than a typical astrological reading. It was a transformational journey that opened my mind, heart and body to deeper layers of wisdom, gnosis and love. Andrea Michelle held the space with exquisite care, skill and grace. Her connection to, and understanding of the cosmos is truly exceptional. And she shares with such humility, generosity and presence. Through this journey, Andrea Michelle guided me through a personalised and organic unveiling and homecoming.  I now have a deeper knowing, understanding, and embodiment of the initiatory wisdom of Ceres. I highly recommend this devotional path for anyone seeking a deep and embodied experience of coming into closer communion with one’s heart-centered Being.  ~Kathleen C.


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Individual in Pod of 5


  1. Sue D.

    Travelling with Andrea and our small group exploring the Asteroid Goddesses has been a wonderfully unique experience. Imagine a class that doesn’t conform to a set curriculum but instead flows from the inspiration and thought-provoking guidance of Andrea’s astrological and sky knowledge, AND the inquiry and experiences of the members. Andrea encourages and supports each individual’s unique way of sharing and interacting in the group setting – I always leave feeling full, excited and ready to see what unfolds going forward.

  2. Eliza B.

    Andrea is an adept at holding space for feminine transformation. Through her personal practice lens of self-honesty, self-compassion, right timing and humility we receive her transmission and make it our own… .  

    We are an intimate group of 5 women in discovery mode with Andrea at the helm, illuminating our way through her deep presence, wisdom intelligence and open heart, while she too participates along side us in her/our ongoing becoming. We are “alone, together” as Andrea so beautifully describes it, in service to collective evolution through the personal.

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