andrea michelle’s continued devotion to awakening and living her SkyEarth Body is birthing a new relationship with Astrology, and fueling her passion to support others in vitalizing and living as their unique SkyEarth Body.
andrea michelle began with a brief introduction of the “seed moment” that began this new trajectory of engagement for her, to explain the context of this new decan approach, and to illustrate the tremendous power of how choosing one “event” or relationship in the chart – when we commit to it over time from our Deep Heart – can take us “all the way.” Next, andrea briefly covered the existing decanate approaches of the Chaldean and Triplicity systems (their origins and applications) before diving into this third approach. The second portion of the workshop included live chart delineations for those wanting to see this approach come alive in their own chart!
The three “natures” that comprise a full Human Being ~ the Individuating Self is in dynamic, integrated/integrating relationship with all three simultaneously.
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